A Goodman HVAC install time-lapse video, the first time lapse I have made.
This time lapse video of the installation of a 46,000/32,000 BTU, 95% efficiency, 2-Stage Burner, 1,200 CFM Variable Speed furnace with a 15 SEER 2 Ton Goodman condenser.
Installed by my brother and myself, we are not HVAC technicians just extreme DIYers. We hired a HVAC contractor to come out and handle all the refridgerant work to be legal. This included recovering the R-22 from the old system and then braze, vacuum, and charge the new line set with R-410A.
Used a Canon Powershot SX10IS with CHDK firmware, set to manual exposure (f/5.6, 1/3sec, ISO 200), custom white balance. Added an el-cheapo $8.00 0.45x wide angle fisheye screw-on lens to capture whole scene in a tight attic space.
Used Vdub to compile shots into AVI then used quicktime pro to convert the AVI to MP4.
Total frames: 7770
Frame Rate: 26fps (to make music fit)
Shoot at 1 frame ever 5-30secons depending on the level of activity. Total install took a couple of days of work.
Music: Serphonic – 5am
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